Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
The flat building in Brno
Šefferová, Diana ; Fixelová, Veronika (oponent) ; Beneš, Petr (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is a creation of design documentation for notification of structures said in Paragraph 104 (1) (a - e) of the building act, or for issuing of building permission for an apartment building in the cadaster unit of city Brno-Bystrc. It is a new residential building in a built-up area on the outskirts of the city, designed for housing. In the vicinity, there are apartment buildings from the second half of the 20th century, most of them have been modernized recently. The building is located on a parcel of land number 2632/3 is relatively flat. The apartment building will be built in the area where the apartment buildings from the second half of the 20th century are standing. Most of the buildings were modernized lately. The new building is placed in the middle of the parcel and won’t intrude original development look. The object is designed as an apartment building with four above-ground floors without a cellar. In the building, there are 12 apartments, three flats on each floor. The apartments are designed for two to four member families. Uncovered parking on the parcel and paved areas for pedestrians are also part of this building-up. The structural system of the building is a wall masonry system made up of clay bricks. Ceiling structures are designed as monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. The roof is single-ply, flat.
Sportovní centrum
Šefferová, Diana ; Skřek, Daniel (oponent) ; Beneš, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Cieľom diplomovej práce je vypracovanie dokumentácie pre prevedenie stavby zadanej budovy Športovéhoo centra, ktoré sa nachádza na parcele č. 845/10 v meste Brno, v katastrálnom území Brno-Ponava. Objekt je čiastočne podpivničený, má tri nadzemné podlažia a z hľadiska stavebnej fyziky je navrhnutý ako budova s takmer nulovou spotrebou energie. V suteréne sa nachádza garáž pre návštevníkov a zamestnancov centra. V nadzemných podlažiach sú navrhnuté cvičebné miestnosti, technické a hygienické zázemie pre návštevníkov aj zamestnancov, kancelária, zasadacia miestnosť a v treťom podlaží sa nachádza menšie wellness centrum. Zvislé konštrukcie objektu sú navrhnuté z monolitického železobetónového skeletu s výplňou z keramických tvaroviek a v suteréne z monolitických vodeodolných stien. Vodorovné konštrukcie sú tvorené monolitickými železobetónovými doskami. Základová konštrukcia je navrhnutá ako základová monolitická doska plniaca funkciu bielej vane. Strecha objektu je riešená ako plochá, jednoplášťová pochôdzna v kombinácii s vegetačnou. Objekt je zateplený kontaktným zatepľovacím systémom.
The flat building in Brno
Šefferová, Diana ; Fixelová, Veronika (oponent) ; Beneš, Petr (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is a creation of design documentation for notification of structures said in Paragraph 104 (1) (a - e) of the building act, or for issuing of building permission for an apartment building in the cadaster unit of city Brno-Bystrc. It is a new residential building in a built-up area on the outskirts of the city, designed for housing. In the vicinity, there are apartment buildings from the second half of the 20th century, most of them have been modernized recently. The building is located on a parcel of land number 2632/3 is relatively flat. The apartment building will be built in the area where the apartment buildings from the second half of the 20th century are standing. Most of the buildings were modernized lately. The new building is placed in the middle of the parcel and won’t intrude original development look. The object is designed as an apartment building with four above-ground floors without a cellar. In the building, there are 12 apartments, three flats on each floor. The apartments are designed for two to four member families. Uncovered parking on the parcel and paved areas for pedestrians are also part of this building-up. The structural system of the building is a wall masonry system made up of clay bricks. Ceiling structures are designed as monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. The roof is single-ply, flat.

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