National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
System of slavery in traditional Korea
Rybáriková, Martina ; Glomb, Vladimír (advisor) ; Löwensteinová, Miriam (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive account of the development of the institution of slavery in Korea. Slavery was a part of Korean society from its earliest times, and the evidence of this can be found in the penal code of eight provisions enacted by the mythical emperor Kidža, where he for the first time mentioned slavery as a punishment for theft. From this time on it was ceaselessly present in Korean society until its abolition in 1894. The oldest form of slavery as a punishment was gradually supplemented with other ways of how a person could fall into slavery. Individual slavery gradually evolved into hereditary slavery. Despite the fact that slavery was ceaselessly present in Korean society, the character and even the existence of it are still called into question in academic discussions. In the introductory part of my thesis I focused on the very essence of slavery. Afterwards, I gave a brief overview of the characteristics of three typical slave societies i.e. ancient Greece, ancient Rome and the United States of America. Studying the important characteristics of slavery in other slave societies provided the base for a detailed analysis of the connections with the Korean type of slavery. Some of this information confirms the hypothesis that slavery in Korea was...
System of slavery in traditional Korea
Rybáriková, Martina ; Glomb, Vladimír (advisor) ; Löwensteinová, Miriam (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive account of the development of the institution of slavery in Korea. Slavery was a part of Korean society from its earliest times, and the evidence of this can be found in the penal code of eight provisions enacted by the mythical emperor Kidža, where he for the first time mentioned slavery as a punishment for theft. From this time on it was ceaselessly present in Korean society until its abolition in 1894. The oldest form of slavery as a punishment was gradually supplemented with other ways of how a person could fall into slavery. Individual slavery gradually evolved into hereditary slavery. Despite the fact that slavery was ceaselessly present in Korean society, the character and even the existence of it are still called into question in academic discussions. In the introductory part of my thesis I focused on the very essence of slavery. Afterwards, I gave a brief overview of the characteristics of three typical slave societies i.e. ancient Greece, ancient Rome and the United States of America. Studying the important characteristics of slavery in other slave societies provided the base for a detailed analysis of the connections with the Korean type of slavery. Some of this information confirms the hypothesis that slavery in Korea was...
Korean car producing company Kia, its arrival and activities in Slovakia
Rybáriková, Martina ; Horák, Tomáš (referee) ; Löwensteinová, Miriam (advisor)
Zmyslom tejto práce bolo zdokumentovať hlavné etapy vývoja, začiatkov a fungovania spoločnosti Kia Motors Slovakia. Cez predstavenie spoločnosti Kia Motors Corporation a ich zahraničných investícií bolo mojim plánom plynule prejsť k samotnému motívu spoločnosti umiestniť svoj závod práve na Slovensku a na druhej strane vo všeobecnosti popísať hlavné výhody a nevýhody vyplývajúce z jeho výstavby. V nasledujúcej časti som uviedla a v krátkosti zhrnula hlavné body investičnej zmluvy, ktorá bola podpísaná medzi spoločnosťou Kia Motors Corporation, Slovenskou republikou a mestom Žilina. Práve tá sa stala po jej čiastočnom zverejnení terčom kritiky. Samostatnú kapitolu som venovala aj obdobiu získavania pozemkov pre budúcu automobilku, jej dodávatel'skú spoločnosť Hyundai Mobis a okolitú infraštruktúru, cez jej problémy so zákonom aj nespokojnými majitel'mi. Na koniec som jednu kapitola venovala aj samotnému závodu, jeho štruktúre, súčasnému fungovaniu, výrobe automobilov až po pracovné podmienky zamestnancov vo výrobe. Ako som už spomínala, mojim ciel'om nebolo tieto etapy kritizovať, alebo vychval'ovať, ale poskytnúť čitatel'om určitý ucelený obraz, na základe ktorého si vlastný názor mažu vytvoriť sami. Svoje názory čiastočne prezentujem v raznych podkapitolách týkajúcich sa napríklad investičnej zmluvy, ktorú...

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